Friday, 26 May 2017

Dear Newboldians,

The sun is shining, summer is here in all its glory, the scent of the roses are wafting down the school driveway and it's now officially half term; it doesn't get much better than this. 

Do you ever wish you could just press a pause button on time and eek a moment out? That is how I felt this morning. I was giving some new parents a tour of the school, probably boring them to tears about what a great place it is, truth be told, but when we entered the nursery, my attention was completely hijacked by a chorus of lovely little voices calling: "Hello, Mrs Crissey!" It felt so good to be welcomed by these little ones as if I was an old friend returning after a long absence - even though I'd seen them in assembly about an hour or so before. It melted my heart and I realised that this spirit of friendliness is what I love most about this school. 

Sadly, we are approaching the end of the school year and whilst it is great to have a lovely long break, it's also sad because we have to say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils. Some of them have been with us since they were little ones in our nursery. It struck me that once they were the little ones calling hello to their headteacher; now they are about to leave us, young people entering the next path of their journey towards adulthood. I am so proud of all of them. They will be greatly missed next year but our job here is done and it's time to let them go. 

I hope and pray that we will be able to continue to add value to the lives of the children and staff who pass through our doors. Lord knows, we need it more than ever in these turbulent times.

May God walk with you on whatever journey you have to make, may He grant you peace of mind and may He restore your spirits. 

Kind regards to all,

Mrs Crissey

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