In Year 5 and 6 we are currently learning about the Ancient Mayan Civilization.
These included:
Who were the Mayans?
Where did they live?
What did they look like?
What time period did they live?
Why were they important?
What did they do?
What did they eat?
Did they have rituals?
What type of tribe were they?
Did they have weapons?
What type of weapons did they use?
What were their buildings like?
What clothes did they wear?
We have been creating power-point presentations of our findings to share with Year 1 and 2.
We hope to add some clips to our blog when we have completed them :)
In Art, we are making our own Mayan Masks, using plaster bandages. We used our own faces to help create the masks.
Mayans used masks during celebrations and during battle.
Here we are, creating our masks.
We had lots of fun and made lots of mess!!!
We had to work together...
....and stand really still!
We are looking forward to painting our masks next week.